On October 9th, Felix Werdmuller & Milly Flynn will be running a half marathon to raise money for the Motor Neurone Disease Association in honour of Simon Smith, Milly’s lovely Uncle. MND is a rapidly progressing disease whereby messages from the motor neurones gradually stop reaching the muscles, affecting a person’s ability to move, speak and breathe. The MNDA provides support and funding for both those with MND and their families as well as healthcare professionals to gain access to vital equipment, treatments and psychological support. Simon has faced this disease with a brilliantly dark sense of humour and heaps of grace, but this devastating diagnosis takes its toll and the support the MNDA have provided for our family has been invaluable. I’m sure we will be kicking and screaming our way through every minute of 21.1km so any donations no matter how small are very much appreciated and will go towards amazing work by a charity that we are so grateful for 🏃🏼♀️ 💫
For more information on MND and the MNDA, visit: