We are six Firefighters keen to support East Anglian Air Ambulance. EAAA have responded to over 32,000 missions from it's bases in Norwich and Cambridge. They receive no regular government funding and rely on the community to keep their two helicopters flying and saving lives.
Having worked closely with EAAA at numerous incidents over the years, we fully rely on the services they provide and want to ensure that they will always be available to assist in saving many more lives.
In September of 2021, our fire department participated in a 9/11 Tower Climb in remembrance of those that lost their lives on that day in 2001. The challenge involved climbing the equivalent height of the World Trade Center in Fire Kit and wearing Breathing Apparatus. It was brutally tough but equally rewarding. Since then we have been thinking over other ideas to test our physical capabilities but also to raise money for a good cause.
So here it is...
Our challenge is to climb in full fire kit and wearing breathing apparatus, Scafell Pike (England's Highest Mountain).
We hope that by doing so, we can raise money for EAAA and inspire others to do similar challenges and fund raising.
Please consider donating and if you can't donate, please help us by sharing this page with your friends.