Thanks for checking out my page,
Please donate what you can because with out the minimum donation i cant do the triathlon. i really want to complete this and the more people involved, the more donations i can get, the more power it will give me to succeed. A week ago i was eating kebabs and pizzas drinking stella and wine, bbq's beer and sun. but there are some people out there who cant have these things. and i'm going to do what i can to get them as close to it as possible. its 8 weeks from now. and i'm going to smash it up in london. i'm going to represent every single person who has donated their money for. Believe me when i say this, it ent going to be easy but i sure am going to bust my nuts off in this triathlon. This is for the people who suffer from cerebal palsy. This is for the people who cant help their disability. This is for you Scope. every last drop of my beaten down sweat. God bless. xxxx
Please guys. lets smash the minimum donation.
Mike Trower xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx