Pretty 'n Pink is a charity very close to Microsoft Belfast's heart, with many individuals and families impacted by breast cancer. One of our relay runners, is coming up to her one-year anniversary of a stage 1 breast cancer diagnosis at the age of 34, she underwent two surgeries with a third surgery upcoming, 20 rounds of radiotherapy and now on a 5+ years' course of Tamoxifen.
Here she recounts her experiences over the last year:
“It’s hard to describe that moment when you’re told that you have cancer. I remember sitting in complete shock and disbelief. I couldn’t tell you one word my surgeon had said to me after uttering that sentence – in my head everything just stopped and filled with silence while my eyes slowly watered up! It was like something you’d see in a movie. From that moment my life changed- and I didn’t yet realise just how much it would. I get the impression people think you are done with cancer once their active treatment finishes, but that’s so far from the truth. Going through treatment and after, you must dig deep to find strength from I don't know where to get through some of the days. Aches, pains, extreme fatigue, nausea, menopausal symptoms, physical body change, hormones up the left; and that is not addressing the mental game you have to play with yourself. Your support network is so crucial, and the smallest things and gestures make all the difference to your mindset. That’s why Pretty ‘n Pink is so important; their services help people through their darkest days of breast cancer and help create those important good days that keep you going. They help families get the time/break they need, as well as practical and financial support with important bills such as childcare, clothing and travel costs.
I’m coming up to a year since my diagnosis, and I’m creating my new happy normal and still figuring it all out. I would be lying if I said every day was easy now- it’s far from it. I struggle a lot with side effects of my tablets but it’s far more bearable than it was a year ago 😊 Life is way better!! I can’t believe I’m running, as there was a time not so long ago I thought I would never run again. Now I’m back at it yayy! I have my family, friends and the most amazing work colleagues who have been there with me every step of the way. I’m excited for the future, and I know the people who receive Pretty’n Pink’s services will appreciate every bit of it. This is a way you can make real impact to someone’s life. Thank you for your donation no matter how big or small… it really will make a difference.
P.s. don’t forget to check your breasts every month, catch it early!!”