Naomi Fardell was born in 1997, second eldest daughter to Dean and Michelle Fardell.
4 weeks after birth it was discovered that she had severe congenital heart defects, Tricuspid Artresia, ASD, VSD Woolf Parkinson White Syndrome and Pulmonary Regurgitation.
After initial diagnosis at Grantham Kingfisher Ward and an immediate life saving operation at Glenfield, Naomi was referred to Great Ormond Street Hospital.
For the next 2 and half years Naomi had constant life saving operations and treatment, she continued to have constant poor health and it was then decided she would be referred to Great Ormond Street for Sick Children. While there she had a very complicated first stage 6 hour operation but then followed 3 months of further poor health and she passed away at Glenfield Intensive Care Unit.
In the following 12 months, it was decided to raise funds in Naomi's memory for the hospitals that treated her condition.
A team of very mixed abilities will be cycling from Great Ormond street hospital in London on 5th August and will arrive back to Grantham on 6th August, a total of 130 miles
Any donations greatly appreciated for our 10th anniversary bike challenge!