I am running the Manchester Marathon on 16th April to raise money for Bowel Cancer UK. My Dad passed away from this awful disease last year and I wanted to raise some money on his behalf.
Most of you know I love to run, so training and running a marathon would not be a huge undertaking for me. So to justify asking for funds, I felt it needed to involve both a challenge and a sacrifice.
Challenge - A time goal of sub 3h 38mins. I last ran a marathon 4 years ago in 2019 in London. I trained really hard for this time, which is why it's taken a while to pluck up the courage to attempt to beat it. This goal will be a huge challenge and putting it out there terrifies me.
Sacrifice - Give up alcohol during training. I have sacrificed one of my great pleasures in life, a glass of wine or 3. This has been particularly challenging due the fact that, well, I love wine, but also due to birthdays and nights out, but I've stayed strong. Roll on April 16th!!
If you are still reading this, thank you! I don't have a cash target to raise, I would just like to do something in my Dads memory. I know times are currently hard so if you cant spare anything no problem, but if you can it would be much appreciated. Michele xx