On April 1st - I thought let's run a marathon.... (NO, this is not an April's Fools Joke!) Its been 9 years since I ran the London Marathon, so thought its about time I pester you all for some sponsorship.
With my birthday fast approaching, on the 23th April, St George's Day, (I still don't know why I'm not called George!) I thought what better way to start the birthday week off by running THE BOSTON MARATHON. So yes on Easter Monday, I will run Boston! This is Boston in Lincolnshire and not in the US…but im still going to tell everyone I have run Boston!!
The UK Boston marathon is on the same day as the one in the US, but instead of 30,000+ runners attempting the 26.2 miles there will be about 1,000 runners doing exactly the same distance on much prettier, country lanes somewhere in Lincolnshire. (Boston actually has its own train station and is only 'a couple' of hours from London.)
So with only 17 days to go, training will be on the trusty treadmill which should prepare me well for the UK's flattest marathon. (its apparently Pan-cake flat!) Most people train for a marathon for 3-6 months....I have 17 days I did manage a 20 mile run this morning - to test the legs.......but I think this one might hurt!
Most of you know that my Niece has been using the hospice for many years, and their services are great from the therapy sessions she enjoys to the respite and overnights stays. So if you have some spare cash you would like to send Demelza's way it would help the hundreds of children they look after and would certainly be motivating in the last couple of miles to know this has all been worth it.
If you are in need of any further information about the charity please keep reading or you can check out their website by visiting
Cheers, Mike
Bringing up children and raising a healthy, happy family is hard work at the best of times. When a child is born with or develops a terminal condition, the emotional and physical impact affects the whole family and can be overwhelming. At Demelza, we focus on supporting each child, young person and family we work with to achieve the best possible life. As specialists in care for young people and family support, we will continue to use our outstanding knowledge, experience and expertise to help families enjoy their lives together.