I am completing 100 MILES in MAY for every single person, including my own dad who is or has suffered from 'ME'. Check us out in the gallery above :-).
My Dad's experience with ME lasted over a decade and the Doctor's treating him had little to no knowledge of the disease, yet 20 years later, progression has been slow in this regard. There are still those who refuse to admit this disease is real, has real consequences and effects on those whose lives are decimated by it.
"....doctors do not treat us and science does not study us. How could a disease this common and this devastating have been forgotten by medicine?" Jennifer Brea
This is wrong, my dad, a single parent, had to struggle on raising a 8 year old boy, looking after an aging father and mother without any form of support. He found a way, as I only learned myself recently, you can do when you're a parent. But to see the effects this illness had on him as a growing child was difficult to witness. The lethargy, the constant ache in his limbs, the fogginess within his mind. There was no respite for him.
ME Research UK believes that only biomedical research can find the causes of ME/CFS, improve diagnosis and treatment, and, ultimately, arrive at a cure. Help me, help others who suffer with this illness.
Thank you all for your kindness and support, Michael.