The Winscombe Rugby Club in the Mendip Hills, Somerset are doing an unusual charity challenge on the 30th September, hoping to raise £5,000 for ICT.
As many WRC members as possible will experience pot-holing for the first time and go into Goatchurch Cave. A description of this is to:
‘Descend the giant’s stairs, go down the midget’s staircase to the boulder chamber, descend the coffin lid and down to the end of the drain pipe then head back out through the tradesman’s entrance to complete the 'through' trip...’
For some club members this descent will prove a real challenge, particularly for the larger forwards who will have to reach the end of the 'Drainpipe' section of the cave to complete the challenge.
Club President Steve Bridges is confident that the 1st team props will be available to play the following week!