This year I am going to challenge my emotional, mental and physical strength by completing 2 triathlons and doing the London to Paris cycle into the space of about 6 weeks!
The event is all in aid of Action for Children, a charity that supports and speaks out for the most vulnerable and neglected children and young people in the UK. Please give generously for a worthy cause.
Here's the itinerary, first up the triathlons:
03 July 2010 - Shock Absorber Women Only Triathlon: 800m Swim / 30km Bike / 7.5km Run
07 August 2010 - London Triathlon: 750m Swim / 20km Bike / 5km Run
And then the delightful 300 mile cycle to Paris:
18 August 2010 - London to Calais: 95 miles
19 August 2010 - Calais to Abbeville: 75 miles
20 August 2010 - Abbeville to Beauvais: 70 miles
21 August 2010 -
Beauvais to Paris: 60 miles
Dig deep! Thanks again!