On August 2nd 2009 I went into labour, and my baby got distressed. I went to sleep before the emergency cesarean and when I woke up was told that I had a little boy, but that he had not woken up.
Finley John Scott was born weighing 9lb 7oz and was the most beautiful angel.
We were fortunate to be able to spend some time in hospital making memories that would last us a lifetime. Many people do not get this chance.
We raised our first funds at his funeral, and donated some memory boxes to his hospital. Now almost 4 years on, I have registered a charity Towards Tomorrow Together and through this fundraising will continue to help parents in his memory.
The charity will
-Provide butterfly boxes (at a cost of £10 to £35)
-Provide hospitals with a cold cot, and staff with training (£1600-£2000)
-Provide support services such as peer groups, stay and play session and family days out for familys with other children, parent mentors.
-Provide support and advice in subsequent pregnancies.
-Provide support at times of crisis.