Dwi'n bwriadu beicio ar draws Awstralia - o Perth i Sydney, mis Tachwedd nesaf! Dwi'n gobeithio hel gymaint o arian a phosibl i Ty Gobaith er cof am fab bach fy nghefnder. Felly os oes gennych geiniog neu ddwy i sbario, mi fydd yn mynd at achos da ofnadwy.
Diolch am gael golwg ar hwn ac am eich cefnogaeth :)
I'm planning to cycle across Australia - from Perth to Sydney, next November! I hope to raise as much money as possible for Hope House, in memory of my cousin's little boy. So, if you have a few pennies to spare, it's all going to a very good cause.
Thanks for reading this and thanks for your support :)