December 7th 2020, Me and my wife Zeinab, became parents to our beautiful baby girl Sara.🎉 😇
A few months later, Sara was diagnosed with a life-limiting genetic condition which damages the nervous system and all major body functions.
Since then, every single second of our life, has been focused on keeping Sara alive and giving her the best quality of life that we can.
We cannot be grateful enough for the support that we have been receiving from friends and family, the NHS, doctors, nurses, community centers and everyone else who passionately and selflessly helped us focus only on Sara's wellbeing and not have to worry about anything else.
Since the diagnosis, I have come to know more about charities who help seriously ill children and their parents.
No one can care for an ill child like their parents, but parents will not be able to care for their sick children without support.
Emad Foundation is a charity established by a couple who lost their 1 year old son to a life limiting condition. That is why I have decided to run The Regents Park 10k for EMAD FOUNDATION, to raise money and support them in helping children with serious illnesses and their parents.