Camp Kudzu is a non-profit organization that serves children and teens living with Type 1 Diabetes through year-round camp programs. We are incredibly lucky to have hundreds of former campers and young adults living with type 1 diabetes continue to join us each year as volunteers! This new inaugural event is an opportunity to see friends, make new ones, and come together to raise money that will help send more campers to Camp Kudzu in the coming year!
Meghan first attended Camp Kudzu in the summer of 2001, the same year she was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Prior to camp, Meghan cried every time she needed a shot of insulin, and would often hide in the cabinets under the kitchen island to avoid shots. After just her first year of camp, Meghan was giving her own shots and teaching her sisters and friends about diabetes. Since then, Meghan attended camp until she was 16 and was then a counselor in training. Meghan has volunteered for Camp every summer that she has been able to. Camp Kudzu is a magical place where children living with diabetes get to feel "part of" instead of "other". When they look around, every other child they see- and many of the volunteers- understand what it's like to live with diabetes and face the many struggles involved. Camp is a place of healing and community. Without Camp Kudzu, Meghan would not be the person she is today! (AKA super awesome)