#SeeTheChangeBeTheChange NEDA Awareness Week 2022 Fundraiser
Fundraising for National Eating Disorders Association
Fundraising for National Eating Disorders Association
Hi, My name is Meghan Blanton. I am a junior in high school at Ursuline Academy in Wilmington DE. Around last February I was admitted into the hospital for severe Anorexia Nervosa. At that time I wasn’t aware of what anorexia was or why I was in the hospital. I wasn’t able to comprehend the severity of my past eating habits. The doctors told me I had an extremely low heart rate and that if i didn’t seek help sooner, i would’ve experienced heart failure in my sleep and passed away. Because of my experience, I desire to educate others on the importance of detecting and understanding eating disorders. Along with education, I want to raise money to support the NEDA foundation who supports those who are struggling. While I was lucky to have significant care from the doctors at A.I. Dupont Hospital, I would like to raise money for those who need a helping hand.
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