This year, we invite you to help us by seeking out your own 'summit' and climbing it! Be it a mountain or a tabletop in your kitchen, a rugged cliff-face or a chair in the dining room. You might even choose to climb your stairs again - and we'd be very supportive of that too! Then all you have to do is take a photo and upload it to social media, and caption it with the most epic story of your achievement as possible! Following your successful summit, if you want to donate to our JustGiving campaign, your money would go directly towards supporting our amazing work in Nepal.
We would love to see your imaginations run wild with this one. Be as creative as you possibly can. Don your climbing gear again and scale your sofa, put your boots on and tackle your nearest hill. Whatever it is, make it epic! If you're out in the wild, take note of your surroundings, look out for local wildlife or research some of the area's history. Let's make Doug proud and enjoy the journey!