On Saturday 9 September 2023, a group of fearless explorers will embark on an epic trek across London’s urban jungle to raise funds to build a desperately-needed new hospice in Kathmandu.
Your donations will help alleviate the suffering of thousands of people with terminal illnesses in Kathmandu and the surrounding region. Thank you very much for your support 🙏
The new hospice will have 20-24 beds, including beds specifically dedicated to children in need of palliative care. It will also be a base for rural and urban community outreach programmes as well as a centre of educational excellence for the country.
Project Hospice Nepal is a Rotary-led project with fundraising teams in Nepal, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Those involved in the project come from across the globe spanning a variety of backgrounds, including many from the medical profession. Project Hospice Nepal is honoured to have Dame Joanna Lumley as its UK ambassador and to have Everest Inn Helping Hands as a partner.
The project is one of the main initiatives supported by The Challenge Fund, a UK registered charity (#1079181). All funds raised through this campaign will be paid by JustGiving directly to The Challenge Fund and ring-fenced for Project Hospice Nepal.
If you are interested in learning more about the project, please visit ❤️
Thank you for taking the time to visit this JustGiving page.
Please note: Should the building of the new Hospice Nepal be cancelled due to insufficient funds or for other reasons or there are excess funds raised, money donated to this fundraising campaign will be used to support pain and palliative care programmes in Nepal such as children’s palliative care, rural & community care, medical education and the implementation of the National Plan for Palliative Care.