I've spent a number of years now raising money for Children with Cancer UK.. all driven from losing my beautiful mum to cancer at a young age, and seeing my friends little boy fight like a trooper to beat this awful disease. Being part of the charity, I've met the most wonderful friends, heard their stories of joy but awful loss, it really impacts your life.
It's not just what children go through during treatment, its afterwards (for a very long time) and also the impact on the parents, siblings and family.. it affects all of us in some way throughout our lives.
I often think, what if it was me? one of my kids? one of my friends kids.. so I run, and raise money.... so one day, we can find a cure 💛
It won't be pretty on the day, I'm getting older and the joints are creaking, but whilst I can still put one front of the other.. I'll keep fundraising for this AMAZING charity.
Thank you for continuing to support me, the long training days, the cold, the ☔, early mornings and late nights 😴.. I'm looking forward to running again in 2023 and raising as much as possible ❤️
At Children with Cancer UK we actively raise and invest money for vital specialist research to save the lives of every child with cancer and keep their family together. Our vision is a world where every child diagnosed with cancer gets to ring their end of cancer treatment bell.