Thank you for visiting our fundraising page to consider helping us combat Child Labour.
For our wedding we purchased wonderful traditional clothes from India. Unfortunately at the moment there are no Fair Trade places to purchase such items, so in essence we almost certainly exploited child labour :(
Therefore Maushami and I thought that we do not really need those knives, forks and plates that are on a conventional gift-list! So if you did wish to provide a gift to us to celebrate our marriage, we would like to request that you instead donate to a charity that fights against Child Labour. This way we can partially make up for our exploitation at least!
We looked at specific charities in India. However found that Anti-Slavery International has the means to target a wider audience on a range of worthy issues. More information on their work is here:
Also through this website they provide an easy means to donate that is simple, fast and secure. Anti Slavery International will receive your money faster and directly, if you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you.
So please sponsor us now!
Many thanks for your support, and see you on the 12th July :)
Kind regards,
Vinay and Maushami