Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page. So, you might ask, why am I supporting the charity, Child's i Foundation?
I am doing so because I strongly believe that children are our future, therefore they need to be looked after, nourished and given every opportunity to reach their full potential. After all, they too will become parents and a positive, healthy upbringing in a stable loving home is crucial if we want to break the cycle of generations of children being neglected, abused and abandoned. Healthy, happy and florishing children do not thrive in orphanages for example. 'Historically, at-risk children are placed in long term institutional care which rarely even meet their most basic needs and inhibit their mental and physical development. A rule of thumb is that for every three months that a young child resides in an institution, they lose one month of development'. (Families, Not Orphanages J. Williamson and A. Greenberg)
Child's i Foundation's mission is to give families in Uganda another choice – to keep their children. They want children to grow up loved and cherished with a sense of belonging in a family instead of growing up as an orphan.
How will your donations help Child's i Foundation?
£1 a week can pay for a foster family's education and support.
£15 pays for a whole months transport costs for a family to come and visit their child in our centre.
Finally, before re-settling children back with their natural parents or finding them new homes, Child's i Foundation do alot of pre and post-setlement work, making sure that children are placed in a safe, secure and happy family. Services include trace and re-unite families, transitional care, adoption and fostering, family support and policies around education.
How could I say no!! I even signed up to do a full marathon in April to support Child's I Foundation. Crossing the finishing line will be a major achievement and will be well worth all the hard work if I can make a difference to a child's future in Uganda.
Thank you for reading
Mo :-) xx