So no one has heard of it, I can't spell it, I definitely can't pronounce it and it seems that no one knows how to get rid of it. Unfortunately Waldenstroms Macroglobulinaemia made itself known to my Dad last year......and I can confirm it's kinda crap!!
It began when Dad started to lose feeling in his feet and legs, alas this wasn't a result of another tough day of work (for which he has come renowned), but instead it was the symptoms of a crappy type of cancer which is giving him a new challenge in life. This numbness continues to spread, which seems massively unfair for someone who is such a doer and was just contemplating packing in work to enjoy his retirement.
Without going too sentimental (as he wouldn't appreciate it), my old man is a legend, the hardest worker I've ever met and trully undeserving of this set back. He's taught me to have a 'go getter' attitude in life, but unfortunately as incredible as he is, this isn't something he......or I.....can 'go get'. He's not exactly known for asking for help, so I thought instead I'd try and help those that are giving him support with this new challenge.
WM (can't keep typing the whole lot) is such a rare desease there has been little research or joined up information available to potential scientists and drug companies. At present it's treatable, but not curable. WMUK is a new charity which needs lots of help, their aim is to link patients and specialist doctors so they can work together to try and find a cure. They are trying to raise £30,000 to set up a web based clinical data registry. This may sound simple but who knows the cure for this cancer may be out there, they just need to be given every helping hand to try and find it.
So on to the scrounge.....I need you, well your money actually. Every penny counts so please please please dig deep and let's see what we can do to help WMUK so they in turn can help find a cure.