In honour of my grandad, Laurie Steele, who sadly passed away on the 29th of April 2021, I will be completing the Tour de Hereford to celebrate his life. He was one of the kindest, caring and selfless people I know, always wanting to make sure his family and friends were supported. He taught me so many life lessons and I am forever grateful for the experiences that I shared with him. In gratitude to the hospice team, this is the least I can do to show my appreciation for everything you have done in caring for grandad in his last last 10 days.
St Michaels Hospice is an independent charity that exists to help and support patients and their families living with a terminal illness.The exceptional care provided at St Michael's Hospice is made possible by the support received from the local community.Please help our fundraisers go the extra mile for your Hospice by supporting the 2021 Tour de Hereford.