The story behind the fundraising...
In 2008 I met 2 incredible women on my MA course in London who became like sisters to me. One of those women is Rai Sow, the founder, CEO and mastermind behind
Rai is one of the most inspiring, hard-working, dedicated people I know and has put her heart and soul into creating MEWC. As I am sure you can appreciate in the current economic climate fundraising is harder than ever and I have witnessed many charities collapse due to lack of funds. This is why I would like to do everything I can to help support MEWC. Please believe me when I say I understand it is a difficult time to donate, but every penny, pence, Euro cent, etc... counts and is greatly appreciated. MEWC is dependent on fundraising to continue doing the incredible work that they do. If you are able to, please make a donation to MEWC. Thank you for your support! And thank you MEWC for giving me a wonderful reason to get off of my lazy booty and run free once again!