I am excited (and more than a bit nervous) to be chosen to take part in the Palace for Life Foundation team for Ride London, on 3 August 2019. Me and my Cannondale will heading to London to take part in an epic ride - some 166 kilometres of dragging my ageing and increasingly unfit body through some of London's most iconic spots, and (slowly) up some of its most brutal hills.
Doing Ride London has long been an ambition of mine, and I'm really excited to be doing it while raising funds for the Palace for Life Foundation. The Foundation does some amazing work with young people in South London, working in some of the most deprived areas of the country and giving kids opportunity and skills.
I will be doing this during the teaching period - heading over to the UK directly after one of my classes, then heading back two weeks later to take the class again (probably aching and jet lagged...sorry in advance to those students). I am covering all my own costs - flight, getting the bike there, entry to the ride. So anything you donate here will go straight to the Foundation.
Please give what you can - your donation will make a real difference to the lives of young people in South London. You will also have my undying gratitude, and I will share stories of my epic adventure. Thank you so much for your support!
About the Palace for Life Foundation:
Palace for Life Foundation leverages the power of football and the Crystal Palace FC brand to change the lives of young people across South London, particularly the most hard-to-reach and hard-to-help. They work with over 13,000 people a year, inspiring them to find a better path and lead a healthier life.
They provide football sessions for young people with a disability, to delivering engaging assemblies and workshops with free sessions in sport and other activities, alongside pastoral support, to instil positive values and help prepare participants for a better life.
The Foundation have strong connections within the local community and businesses and run programs designed to equip young people with the skills they need to think about their future careers. The Palace for Life Foundation believe that everyone matters, irrespective of their background and beliefs, and by giving extra support to the most vulnerable, they will help create a better community and society.