When your family experiences the loss of a matriarch, it is your role to carry forward their good work. Marni wove a line of support for survivors through her donations, her sharing of this amazing not-for-profit's efforts through word of mouth, and through the ways in which she nurtured and cared for all of us. When I think about the work of the Genesis Womens Shelter, I am reminded of Marni. I am reminded of how she always made any space feel like home; of how she created a sense of belonging simply by cooking a good meal or wrapping you up in an incredible quilt; of how she taught us all to be kinder, gentler, and more compassionate. Our family is heartbroken over this loss, but believe that her legacy of selflessness can continue to grow in all of us as we start to do the hard work of living our day to day lives without her. That she cared so deeply about this work, about supporting women in need, makes us feel incredibly grateful for the values she no doubt instilled in all of us. Our sincerest hope is that you all see Marni in each of us, through our care and concern for our communities and through our consideration of others...and we genuinely hope you join us by donating to this incredible local program in loving memory of her.