If you have reached this page you will know what a kind, generous and loving man Mark was.
You will also know how suddenly and unexpectedly Mark was taken from us.
Mark was receiving treatment for metastatic seminoma; his chances of a total recovery were excellent.
Following his first cycle of chemotherapy, Mark developed a sudden and catastrophic infection. His suppressed immunity meant he was unable to fight off the bacteria, and within a day he was in a coma on life support. He was cared for in the Adult ICU for six days before he died.
The emergency care he received from the NHS was incredible. The ambulance crew, the Horton Hospital A+E team, and those at the Adult Critical Care Unit at the John Radcliffe Hospital treated Mark with professionalism, skill and compassion.
This amazing group of people supported us through the most difficult time in our lives and we want to acknowledge them.
Your donation will help them to help other families going through similar trauma, and we thank you for your gift in Mark's memory.
Donations will be split between the Adult Critical Care Fund (Fund No. 0132) at the JR, and the Horton General Fund (Fund No. 5140) in Banbury.
Nicola, Kate and Annie x