Hi All, Thank you visiting my just giving page.
Most of you will not be aware, but my mother was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. She has kept this rather quiet as the last thing she wants is for people to feel sorry for her. She has however today allowed me to share her situation so I can at least attempt to help her and other sufferes in my own small way. Whilst she is incredibly positive about it, it has been quite a blow to say the least and I felt as its close to my heart, I needed to both find out more about the disease and also help to do something about it. with that in mind I have been in contact with Parkinson's UK and they have advised me today they they are holding a fundraising event in Harrogate.
So without further waffle, I have decided ( along with my Wife Claire, to participate in a bike ride. I will be attempting to cycle 40 miles ( although if I get enough support I may try 60!!. As most of you know, I am not the fittest individual on the planet and so determination will have to figure quite highly. I know I will find this demanding but atleast its a challenge.
Claire is also doing this ride and anyone wishing to support her can also do so here.
Thank you all dear family, friends and colleagues for taking the time to read this Claire and I really appreciate it and we will hopefully have a story to tell after the 2nd of July
Best Wishes
Mark (and Claire) xxxx