When I found out about WellChild (, and the incredible work they do supporting seriously ill children, I didn't pass up the opportunity to raise funds for them by taking on this incredible challenge of running my first ever marathon. I just wished someone explained to me better what it takes to run a marathon. I am not a natural runner, and have never been one to enjoy running. In fact, the only time I had properly run for my life was away from my neighbour's stray dogs!
I do know that running a marathon is nothing compared to what the families supported by WellChild go through. I hope that my efforts will help to make a difference in the lives of these children, and I hope that you'll join me in supporting WellChild. Any small donation would be gratefully received.
WellChild Childrens Nurses provide essential care and practical support to children and young people requiring long-term or complex care. They play a crucial role in enabling children to leave hospital and be cared for at home, reducing the practical, emotional and financial impact for families. WellChild is also committed to funding high quality, innovative projects designed to have a positive impact for seriously ill children both now and in the future. This includes WellChild's Helping Hands programme which continues to go from strength to strength, working with volunteers from companies and organisations across the country to tackle essential projects in the homes of children with serious illness. Those volunteers provide the manpower and enthusiasm for projects such as bedroom and garden makeovers.
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