On Sunday 11th October, I shall be partaking in The Oxford Half Marathon (13.1 miles) but this time I won't be running the event, I shall be walking on my crutches as I have sprained my ligaments and my knee is in a knee brace.
The Churchill Day Surgery Appeal aims to raise half a million pounds to make great improvements for the 8,000 people who have surgery at the Churchill Hospital every year. Many of these are patients with cancer and other serious medical conditions.
Currently the area that patients spend time in before and after surgery is rather cramped and lacking in privacy. Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust is about to start expanding and redesigning the area and our charity appeal will help to make the new space much more welcoming and comfortable for patients.
The new unit, which supports ten operating theatres will be designed to reduce stress and anxiety, with privacy and comfort in mind. There will also be a dedicated area for breast cancer patients to have consultations and prosthetic fittings.