The 2.6 Challenge will launch on Sunday 26 April – what should have been the date of the 40th London Marathon, the world’s biggest one-day annual fundraising event that usually raises millions for charities. Members of the East Cheshire Sub Aqua Club have decided to dust off our SCUBA gear and challenge ourselves!! We have chosen to support the work of the Marine Conservation Society, the UK’s leading marine charity, in their work to ensure our seas are healthy, pollution free and protected. We will cycle, walk, do squats or do anything that challenges us whilst wearing our SCUBA gear, based around the numbers 2.6 or 26!! Dave Robinson aims to cycle for 26 miles on his exercise bike, Alison Brammer aims to walk up and down the road 26 times, Simon Lowrie will go out cycling, Helen Hamer aims to walk 2.6 miles, Janet Allan will attempt 2.6 squats, Clive Byrne will run on his exercise bike and hopefully more will join us!!! Thank you for visiting our Justgiving page, please support us in our crazy antics and help us raise some funds to support the work of the MCS.