Thank you so much for visiting my fundraising page. I would be very grateful for any sponsorship you could offer, no matter how great or small the amount, as I have already had to extend my original target and would be thrilled to reach this very ambitious new one with your help.
Many of you know that since August last year I have been attempting (quite successfully so far!) to improve my health by losing a lot of weight and exercising more. I now need a boost to keep me going and reach my target weight and someone else less fortunate than I am might as well benefit through my efforts. So.........
I have signed up for the Aspire Channel Swim. I started on 17th Sept and now I am attempting to swim the equivalent 22 miles (1760 lengths) in local pools before the deadline date of Sunday 9th December. I have no idea how this will fit into a full time teaching schedule, weekend support of Hull City and the running of a weekly folk club but ......I'LL GIVE IT A GO!
Sploshing breathlessly (sorry - gliding effortlessly) up and down the pool for hours on end will be made so much easier thinking of my generous sponsors' support. Promise I'll let you know how I get on .
Thanks to all of you. Love Mara