A massive THANK YOU to each and every one of my sponsors! I wanted to do the Great London Swim in memory of our second son Tom, whom we lost at 23 weeks during my recent pregnancy. I raised an amazing £1,400 for the Child Bereavement Charity (inc. Gift Aid) thanks to your generosity! Thanks also for all your supportive messages and encouragement. Many of you were worried about the state of the water in the Docklands but I didn't swallow any. However, I think I may have got an ear infection instead! It was a lovely 21 degrees.
I completed the swim in 28.47 minutes (I was hoping to do it in about 30 mins so was very pleased with that time). My overall position was 136/661 swimmers, 7/42 for women my age group (35-39), 50/309 of all women.
Channel 4 are covering this inaugural 'Great London Swim' event which will be televised on 29th November at 08:00. Just to raise the level of my swim challenge, I was interviewed by Steve Parry (ex-Olympic Swimmer) and tv crew just before my swim and this will be on the Channel 4 program!
I've added some photos of the event, mainly for your amusement!
Thanks again for all your support.
Marianne xx