It is so amazing to be part of an organization that for the last 40 years has had tenants back. The San Francisco Bay Area is one of the most expensive rental markets in the world and everyday people are struggling to stay in their homes. Evictions can be 100% preventable, and no tenants should leave their home because they don't know what their rights, or don't have someone in their corner supporting them. As we prepare to start a new decade of our work, we are raising funds to make sure that we are able to reach even more tenants and let even more folks know what their rights are.
Will you give $40 and help celebrate our 40th anniversary?
Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco has fought for tenants rights since 1979 when a group of seniors at Old St. Mary's Church came together to organize against condo conversions displacing the elderly. Here's what we do and offer:
- Free counseling for San Francisco tenants in all types of housing: rent-controlled units, SROs, public housing and Section 8, serving over 5,000 tenants a year.
- Organize entire buildings to fight against displacement and evictions* Successfully change and support housing-related laws for a fairer San Francisco
- Help create building and community-wide tenants groups* Coordinate, plan and mobilize protests, actions, and housing justice demonstrations
- Advocate for tenants in Section 8 and public housing
- Sponsor workshops, community meetings, and other events
- Work with the Anti-Displacement Coalition, a network of tenant organizations and allies to organize against the soaring evictions and rent increases in our city