Every year 100,000 people have a stroke and a quarter of these people are under the age of 65. That's 25,000 younger people whose lives are changed in an instant. Stroke is also the single biggest cause of disability in the UK, but it's not always the visible disabilities that stroke survivors have to contend with, debilitating fatigue, cognitive problems and personality changes can also be a lifelong challenge, preventing them from returning to work or bringing up a young family. Different Strokes empowers younger survivors to reclaim their lives through active peer support, information and exercise. Different Strokes also support the wider family to get through challenging times with compassion and understanding. This is why we are taking on the 'March On' step challenge to raise vital funds to support the work of Different Strokes. We are a group of students and staff at the School of Psychology at the University of East Anglia (Norwich, UK) raising funds for the Different Strokes charity as we want to help this amazing charity. We are students of the module Clinical Neuropsychology and were inspired to take part in this fundraising after a talk by Sandra Ross. The UEA NeuroNerds are: Joe Turner Rosario Bacon Faith Hammond Lydia Darnton Sevdalina Dimova Ana-Maria Berar Megan Rowlands Emma Hazell Freya Turner Piotr Barc Stephanie Rossit