Updated on Apr 19th 2011 at 10:02 AM from the JustGiving API
I made it! 4:06. A very respectable time considering the heat and all the other runners. I want to thank you all for supporting such a worthy charity and it certainly helped me along the way, especially the last few difficult miles. My legs are very sore but now I have my life back and will be getting back to the chores Lu has assigned me (decorating the bathroom is first!)
Ok, so I'm not going to come first. I'm probably not going to come second or third either. Just finishing would be nice! Yes, I have a place in the London marathon 2011.
It's one of those things you see everyone do on telly each year and say 'I would can do that' but never quite get round to entering. This time it happened and yes, I got in!!!! Now the hard work and realisation has begun. So please support me and help raise a little money for a worthy charity (Cancer Research) along the way.
Give whatever you can/want - every little will help
A foolish yet committed marathon runner, Marc