OK, it’s my turn.
Like most of you, I’ve been pinged a lot over the years by friends taking on personal challenges in support of important causes. I’ve chosen not to do so, partly because I haven’t wanted to amp up the performance pressures on myself, partly because I don’t like asking for money, and partly because technology (including creating a JustGiving page) just isn’t my thing! On this occasion, though, the challenge I’ve set myself is well-beyond anything I’ve attempted before, the cause is very personal, and my youngest son Philip has promised to handle the techy bits.
As many of you know, I do a lot of running. Over the years (and it hasn’t been that long) I’ve worked my way up from 5k races (I think my first was the JLL 5k in Regent’s Park in 2014) to half marathons. This year, after much cajoling, I’m going to have a first (and probably last) go at a marathon: I’ll be running the London Marathon in late April. At 60+ I’ve probably left it a bit late, but, to borrow a phrase from my triathlete wife Kerstin: “If not now, when?” Oh, and young Philip will be running with me (correction: he’ll be starting with me). Still, the idea of running a half marathon, and at the finish saying: “Well, that was fun … let’s do it again!” is a hard one for me.
I will be running in support of Alzheimer’s Research UK, the UK’s leading dementia research charity. I don’t need to tell any of you how insidious and – for family and friends – how heartbreaking dementia can be: there are few who don’t have a parent, grandparent or close friend who has suffered – or is suffering – from Alzheimer’s (or some other form of dementia). Both of my parents had Alzheimer’s, as did three of my grandparents. Now I’m watching as many of the actors and athletes of my generation disclose their own dementia challenges (I’m thinking most recently about Bruce Willis). I’m hoping that advancements in research mean my children won’t suffer the same way my parents have.
I don’t really have a goal for the race, other than finishing (and I’d prefer to run across the finish line rather than walk). When pushed, I say 4½ hours. What worries me most is that one or another piece of my anatomy decides not to co-operate on race day, and a wonky knee, hip flexor or some other muscle decides to end my attempt early (there’s been a lot of running in the run-up!).
So that’s it. I’d be grateful for your support, both personally and on behalf of Alzheimer’s Research UK. I’ve set a £5,000 target, and up to that target both PineBridge Benson Elliot and I will match all donations.
Thanks in advance.