I did it! I ran in 4 hours 28 minutes and 24 seconds, feeling amazing, but still need a little push to hit my £3000 target.
I ran in memory of my best and closest friend Fiona Wackett, Fi, who I met when we were just three years old. Fi died suddenly and unexpectedly after having an uncontrolled Epileptic fit in the middle of the night in August 2008. She was just 28 years old.
Epilepsy Research UK helps to raise awareness and funds to research in to causes, cures and medication for people with this condition. My dad also suffers from epilepsy, so it's a charity close to my heart.
Please do give generously. I can't do this on my own and I need your support. Thank you to those who came to see me. The crowds were awesome.
Thank you so much!