Thanks for taking the time to visit my page.
I'm running the Paris Marathon for two reasons. I've wanted to run a marathon for several years now, and after a few unsuccessful attempts on the ballot for the London Marathon, I got impatient and so thought I would enter the Paris Marathon instead! I must thank my friend Lucy for convincing me that it would be a good idea to enter - although as she has now broken her foot, she sadly will not be lining up along the Champs-Élysées with me on April 6th!
Alongside my personal goal, I am running the Marathon in April to raise as much money as possible for Marie Curie Cancer Care, a charity that did a lot for my family in 2013. I lost my Nanny in August 2013, and thanks to their invaluable care and support, she was able to die at home in as much comfort as possible, with the family around her. They did not only provide care and attention to Nanny at this crucial time, but their presence during the night enabled my Grandad to get some vital rest and ensure that he was also looking after himself.
Marie Curie's service is provided free of charge, and they rely on donations to make this possible. A donation of £20 could pay for a Marie Curie Nurse to look after someone with a terminal illness for one hour, and £80 could pay for a nurse to spend the evening caring for a patient at home.
It would be fantastic if you could help me support this great charity. I will dash around Paris as fast as I can on April 6th!