Carr Gomm is raising £25,000 this year to set up and run community projects which will bring people together and help stomp out loneliness and isolation in Scotland. In Carr Gomm's 25 years of supporting people and communities, we have seen how bringing people together and providing opportunities to make meaningful connections can be transformational. Be part of that transformation.
How You Can Help:
£50 could provide a Keep Warm box for someone in need.
£150 could provide a starter kit for a community coffee morning.
£200 could buy art supplies for community art projects.
£500 could create a community garden.
£1,000 could run healthy cooking classes for a year.
£4,000 could set up a community Men in Sheds project.
My Story:
My Name is Michael Boyne, I didn’t have the best start in life I grew up in Foster Care and things didn’t go well for me there. After leaving Care things only worsened I started to Suffer from severe mental health problems and at times suicidal and depressed, years went on and I started developing physical issues with my spine from previous injuries.The trauma from my past experiences in foster care resurfaced and I became really lonely and isolated, I stopped talking to people and shut myself off from everyone and everything. Then I Found Carr Gomm through their dedicated support plan and the amazing staff, they helped me overcome obstacles and I am now able to get out more and enjoy the things I love and make new friends.
Thank You Carr Gomm For All Your Support!!
Please help in any way you can so others can receive the same help that myself and many others have received.
Thank You All For Reading My Story.
Michael Boyne