‘Above all what matters is not to lose the joy of living in the fear of dying’, Maggie Keswick Jencks
Thank you for donating to Maggies. As my ride is fully funded by the generosity
of Two's Company person friendly training you can be sure that every penny you
donate will go to Maggies.
When we are at our most vulnerable, Maggies is there to support us, our families and friends through whatever cancer can throw at us. My primary reason for riding 1090 miles is to raise awareness for the benefit of us all, so please tell as many people as possible about Maggies and let them know the location of their closest centre. There are more centres on the horizon so check for more details.
Unless otherwise directed, donations will automatically go to Maggies Manchester. To nominate an alternative centre please Contact
My ride starts 26th May for 14 days so please follow me around the country and my progress online
Thank you so much