Hi, I'm Macy. I'm raising money for Kidney Care UK, a charity that means an awful lot to me, my family and a great load of people. I will be doing a skydive in early July 2023 to raise money in honor of my mom, Tanya who sadly lost her fight in July 2022.
My mom was the the most funniest, courageous and light of any room she was in and I aspire to be just like her every day. Growing up my mom has suffered with diabetes and always kept them under control as she lived with it from an early age. February 2019 she fell ill with a sore throat that severe she was taken to hospital which they then discovered was bacterial meningitis which mainly attacked her kidneys. In March 2019 after realizing it was meningitis she was in the ICU with every cable imagined attached to her, I remember walking in and trying to make light of the situation and told her to get back to space as she was wearing an oxygen mask that covered her entire face and yet she still laughed. In April 2019 she began dialysis as her kidneys had completely stopped working in such a small amount of time. My mom never admitted to being unwell, she deemed herself as special and she was believe me, she never let this disease change her at all she was so determined to accomplish new goals and still make so many memories, no matter how many hospital visits or her week mainly being taken up by dialysis she always managed to keep such a positive attitude towards life. She even took me and my brother Owen to dialysis with her and showed us how her machine worked, she also introduced us the the nurses and other people who was also having dialysis and they are like a massive family! They all offered so much support to my mom when she first began to do dialysis. 2020 lockdown hit and obviously we were all afraid of Covid, it was stressful at first but moms attitude towards it just showed she wasn't gonna let anything take her just yet. Nearing on the middle of 2020 mom had to have balloons in her veins as her blood flow wasn't circulating properly yet mom still made jokes about it, even saying she felt like Aunt Marge from Harry Potter! The 25th of December rolls around and mom had to be taken in as she fell really unwell, she stayed in hospital for almost a month and because of the Covid outbreak we was unable to see her, we all got told to prepare for the worst as mom was so unwell, but one less leg later she's out and happier than ever! Flipper we called him and she already had a tattoo ready (best foot forward). You would think that would take a toll on her but honestly it didn't all that changed was me and my brother had the honour of doing wheelchair races. Towards the end of moms life she underwent 11 amputations, including both legs and 9 fingers (still managed a thumbs up though didn't she)
My mom is a true inspiration to many, she was such a brave soul and I wish I could say I take after her with the bravery but I started screaming as I booked the skydive so I really don't know what I'm going to be like on the day, cheers mom x
I would appreciate any donations as this charity means an awful lot to me and so many people, I want to thank anyone who has supported us through this terrible time and the nurses who made mom feel welcome when she started and peaceful towards the end, thank you x