'You cycle to work' they said, 'it's just the same' they said. A few months ago someone I trust(ed) convinced me to get involved in a superb charity initiative that provides much needed funding for young people who are unable to access the mainstream school system. So here I am supporting MAP by (panic) cycling 410km over three days from the UMG in Kings Cross to the brand new EMI North office in Leeds.
My alternative methods of support have been shut down.
But you can support me with pennies and anything you can to push me up the M1, over mountains, through treacherous terrain, away from highwaymen and keeping my legs burning through the pain and fear and give me some form of blind hope that I wont collapse. Not that I am being dramatic....
It's a good cause and I haven't done something like this since my sponsored silence when I was 7.
For more details on MAP visit
**update: my sponsored silence seems to be of equal interest to the bike ride. If I reach my target I'll add in some silences on request for those most interested....**