We have been friends forever. We were inspired by the tic tocers who were walking marathons during lockdown to walk our own marathon, so on Easter Saturday we are going to walk from Crawley to Groombridge and back across the forest. Some of our family and dogs are going to join us along the route to cheer us along. We have been doing some training and so far our longest walk has been 22km.
We are fundraising for fairer access to vaccines for all inspired by the ABC vaccine centre at Meridian Hall in East Grinstead who are doing the same.
Unicef urgently need funds to expand the scale and scope of their work supporting children affected by coronavirus, especially in countries with weaker health systems. We believe that not only people living in wealthy countries deserve health care, especially during a pandemic and we should do our best to make a difference and help people that might be struggling. So please if you have anything to spare please donate because even a small amount will make a huge difference. Just £30 could provide a full kit to protect a health-worker on the frontline, including gloves, masks and coveralls, while just £43 could help provide 1,680 pairs of disposable gloves for health workers.The impact of a large-scale outbreak of coronavirus on children, especially poor and vulnerable children, has been immense. Children are at risk from the disease, but also from the disruption to health and education services, impacts on caregivers, and separation from family members.Unicef has been working closely with governments and the World Health Organization (WHO) since the start of the coronavirus outbreak and will continue to do so with help from donations. All donations made to our page will help to limit the spread of the virus and reduce the impact on children and families.