Hi my name is Lydia, i am 14 years old. i was born with PFIC which made me all yellow and itchy.At the age of 6 the doctors at st James hospital found pre cancerous spots on my liver and my mother and father made the decision to put me on the transplant list.I was very lucky to receive a new liver and since then i have got stronger and very active.My favorite thing to do is ride my horses but every year i join my friends and team mates at the british transplant games to celebrate the life and second chance i have been given.I look forward to the games every year as it gives me chance to catch up with friends and take part in lots of sporting activities like badminton,sprinting and the donor run.This year i am going to take part in a new event, cycling.For me to take part in this years transplant games i am looking to raise £400 for leads children transplant team. so please sponsor me to take part in this years transplant games. xx