Thanks for visiting my Stand Up To Cancer sponsorship page. Whilst you're here you may aswell sponsor me! :) I'll be standing up for a whole day (well the majority- minus driving to work and toilet visits!) from when I get up in the morning to when I go to sleep on that Friday night.
Here's why: Last year, Cancer Research UK and Channel 4 joined forces to launch Stand Up To Cancer in the UK to accelerate progress in cancer research. Stand Up To Cancer is a decisive strike at the core of cancer. Today 1 in 3 people will develop cancer but our fight against this disease is at a turning point. It needs a catalyst. SU2C is that catalyst, and that’s why I’ve chosen to Stand Up To Cancer this year. Please help me raise funds to give cancer research the boost it needs to develop new treatments, bring cures faster and save more lives. By sponsoring me, we’re fighting cancer together, to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured!