My son and daughter go to nursery with Lottie. Lottie's family had the devastating diagnosis of Stage 4 Neuroblastoma on the 30th June 2016. She was just 2 years old.
Did you know?
Neuroblastoma has the highest mortality rate of all pediatric cancers. Every 16 hours, a child with neuroblastoma dies.
Neuroblastoma is a common and often difficult to treat cancer, the most common cancer in infancy.
It is the most common tumor found in children younger than 1 year of age.
Neuroblastoma is the most common extra cranial solid tumor cancer in children.
There is no known cure for relapsed neuroblastoma.
Please help me give Lottie a fighting chance of fighting this!
We are fund raising to get Lottie to America for vital help to prevent this horrendous disease returning, and enable her to have her childhood back.