Customers at Newtown road would normally enjoy days out in the warmer months, but sadly during the COVID pandemic this has been unable to happen. Customers have all handled the lockdown brilliantly considering the horrible circumstances they have faced. Over the past couple of months, customers and staff at Newtown road have worked hard to tidy up the outside space that is currently solely used for hanging out washing. Getting outside and working on this garden project has had a positive impact on morale and mental health. They wish to transform this area into a beautiful courtyard garden with table and chairs where they can hold BBQ's and socialise in the summer months. Customers and staff are participating in a 5K walk-a-thon which will take place at Pitch croft in Worcester on Tues 25th May at 11.30. Any donations given will be gratefully received and go towards garden furniture and making the garden beautiful for the grand opening in the summer.