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Here’s a little bit about why we are running for Terrence Higgins Trust. At the beginning of 2023, I was lucky enough to spend 2 months working at Mildmay Hopsital in London as part of my Physiotherapy placements. During this time, I met many inspiring people living with HIV and was privileged to hear so many fascinating stories about their lives in this time. Unfortunately, there is still a stigma that people living with HIV face everyday and many struggle with coming to terms with the diagnosis, even years down the line, detrimentally effecting their recovery and long-term health. This experience made me want to get involved with the Terrence Higgins Trust, and try to raise as much money as possible for such an important cause.
Harry has been kind enough to join me in the fundraising and preparation for Terrence Higgins Trust, and is looking forward to running to support such an amazing charity!
“Terrence Higgins Trust is the UK's leading HIV and sexual health charity. We support people living with HIV and amplify their voices, and help the people using our services to achieve good sexual health.Your support helps us work towards a world where:
•There are no new HIV cases.
•People living with HIV get the support they need.
•Everyone can access good quality sexual and reproductive health services and information tailored to their individual needs.
•HIV and sexual and reproductive health free from shame and stigma.”