LIVES is a unique charity in the UK dedicated to supporting 700+ volunteers who give up their spare time to save lives across the county. Our First Responders are on track for helping more than 20,000 people across Lincolnshire in 2016, that’s 55 people a day being helped by one of our volunteers. Our responders’ actions literally save lives, delivering that vital immediate care in those critical first moments before handing over to the ambulance service.
I was unfortunate enough to be involved in a horrific car accident July 2012. If it weren't for LIVES, I may not be here today, or at the very least, paralysed.
I was trapped inside the car for roughly 2 hours whilst the fire crew cut off the roof to enable the paramedics to remove me from the vehicle safely. I was unconscious for a period of time after the accident, however I can remember the LIVES team were with me in what seemed like an instant. They kept me calm and in a stable position, they stayed with me throughout the time the fire crew did what they needed to do; I was absolutely petrified, without them I would have gone into a state of panic. I had broken my neck (C7) and my pelvis had collapsed after breaking in 3 places. If I had moved...well its not worth thinking about.
Not only did they care for me; after I was airlifted to hospital they reassured my loved ones, who were stood on the road side watching what can only be described as a nightmare, that I was going to be ok.
I'm taking this opportunity to raise money for this life saving cause; its my way of giving back to the LIVES team as I am forever in their debt.