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Its the 11th hour and I've agreed to join Ms Laura Grady doing the Three Peaks Challenge on 29-30th September to raise money for Childline and the NSPCC. Yes that's right. I'm going to walk up (and down) the highest MOUNTAINS in England, Scotland and Wales. Yes, you're right, that's THREE different COUNTRIES! In the space of a day. Yes, you're right again thats 24 hours or 1440 minutes or 86400 seconds. Yes, aren't you clever, that's Not. A. Lot. Of. Time.
I walk every day... you know, down the stairs, to the sofa, my car and the pub, but not much further than that. I've only just ran for the first time in 2 years and have classed juggling as a form of power exercise. So let's face it this isn't going to be easy. In fact its going to hurt like hell. I'm hoping Grady is going to carry me. (Shhh don't tell her).
So, I NEED YOUR HELP. As I'm being dragged up and down the *mountains* by Grady I'm going to imagine her butt is your money and I've gotta chase it. She's got a big butt so lets fill it with your cold hard cash (please remember this is a metaphor). In the unlikely event that I'm ahead of Grady, you can fill my butt with your cold hard cash too on her justgiving page so she can chase the pot of gold.
We're going to make a mini documentary of the event for your entertainment upon our return. I'll be tweeting with the birds too. So pay us just for that. We're hillarious.
(listen... emotional music is playing) Childline is a wonderful charity and nearly had to be closed last year due to a lack of funding. That's shocking. I work with troubled children and know only too well how a voice and a supportive ear can save lives. So give generously.
Wish us both luck, perhaps Grady more as she has to put up with me. And thank you, you're life savers already.